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Selasa, 28 November 2023 14:51:26Nanoparticles produced from burning coal result in damage to mice lungs
Virginia Tech scientists have discovered that incredibly small particles of an unusual and highly toxic titanium oxide found in coal smog and ash can cause lung damage in mice after a single exposure, with long-term damage occurring in just six weeks.
Senin, 27 November 2023 15:37:58Dietary Tips for Teens With Cystic Fibrosis
Teens with cystic fibrosis (CF) have unique nutritional needs. If you have CF, you and your parents will work with the registered dietitian on your health care team to help you grow strong and healthy.
Sabtu, 25 November 2023 09:44:38Gangguan yang Biasa Menimpa Sistem Respirasi
Normalnya manusia bernapas setidaknya 12-20 kali tiap menit. Namun ada kalanya pernapasan atau respirasi kita terganggu sehingga napas menjadi terasa sulit, tidak nyaman, atau tidak dapat bernapas sama sekali.Berikut beberapa gangguan respirasi yang biasa terjadi pada manusia.
Sabtu, 25 November 2023 14:22:18Asthma and incident coronary heart disease: an observational and Mendelian randomisation study
Observational studies suggest asthma is a risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD) and sex modifies the risk, but they may suffer from methodological limitations.
Jumat, 24 November 2023 11:06:31Tuberculosis screening in migrants to the EU/EEA and UK
he authors show that among all types of migrants (students and workers, asylum seekers, individuals on settlement and family visas, and those on working holidays)
Kamis, 23 November 2023 10:25:36Sex and gender in COPD and asthma
There is often confusion regarding the distinction of sex from gender.
Rabu, 22 November 2023 12:15:48Cardiopulmonary response to exercise in adults born very preterm
This study aims to compare cardiopulmonary response to aerobic exercise between young adults born very preterm, including a subgroup with bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), and term controls.
Rabu, 22 November 2023 10:34:23Muncul Varian Baru Covid-19 HV.1 dan JN.1 di Sejumlah Negara, Kenali Gejalanya
Covid-19 kembali mengalami mutasi dan memunculkan varian baru yang disebut HV.1 dan JN.1 yang kini sudah mulai menyebar di sejumlah negara.
Selasa, 21 November 2023 14:45:38 Edema Paru
Edema paruadalah kondisi saat terjadi penumpukan pada paru-paru. Cairan tersebut terakumulasi pada kantung udara sehingga pengidapnya merasakan kesulitan saat bernapas.
Selasa, 21 November 2023 11:33:35World Pneumonia Day 2023: the rising global threat of pneumonia and what we must do about it
Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs that causes inflammation. A large variety of microorganisms can cause pneumonia, including bacteria, viruses or fungi

RS Panti Waluya / RKZ Sawahan, Lt II-B1
, Dr Koentjahja, SpP
Nusakambangan 56, Malang 65117
08113777488 / 362017 ext. 88.23
Pukul 18.00 - 20.00, kec. Sabtu, Minggu / Libur

, Dr Koentjahja, SpP
Wilis Indah A-6, Malang 65115
0818568711 / 0341-568711
Senin - Sabtu Pukul 09.00-10.00,
kec. Minggu / Libur


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 koentjahja.com  |
 nathaliamayasarisa.com  |
 klinikrespirasimalang.com  |
 drgevitaindiani.com  |
 drgleonyindriati.com  |