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Allergen challenge, eosinophils and the long road to asthma endotype

Sally E. Wenzel

European Respiratory Journal 2024 64: 2401316; DOI: 10.1183/13993003.01316-2024


Inhaled allergen challenges (IAC) have been utilised as tools to understand the clinical, physiological and pathobiological responses to allergens in asthmatic and atopic individuals for close to 75?years [1, 2]. Sensitised individuals respond with an early/immediate fall in forced expiratory volume in 1?s (FEV1): the early asthmatic response (EAR). Following a return to baseline (within 60?min), 30–50% of individuals also experience a later fall in FEV1, beginning around 4–6 h post-inhalation which lasts hours to even days: the late asthmatic response (LAR). For at least 50?years, allergen challenges have been used as early screens for the efficacy of novel therapeutics, with suggestions that inhibition of allergic responses is an overall (and necessary) predictor of clinical success of the drug [2].

Allergen challenge studies have helped define a mild allergic asthma endotype, but are less helpful to our understanding of more severe asthmatic endotypes https://bit.ly/4cJNduE


  • Conflict of interest: S.E. Wenzel reports grants and consultancy fees from Regeneron, and stock (or stock options) in Aer Therapeutics.

  • Received July 8, 2024.
  • Accepted July 8, 2024.


sumber : https://erj.ersjournals.com/content/64/3/2401316.full


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