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Observational study to characterise 24-hour COPD symptoms: Interim analysis of ASSESS


Background: Little is known about the 24-hour profile of COPD symptoms.

Aim: To assess the prevalence/severity of 24-hour COPD symptoms and their impact on patients’ well-being.

Methods: This ongoing, 6-month prospective observational study will recruit 720 patients with COPD. Baseline night-time, early-morning and day-time symptoms, HRQoL, anxiety/depression and sleep quality were assessed. A priori interim analysis: 11 Oct 2012.

Results: 314 patients recruited to date: 69% male, mean±SD age 67±9 yrs, mean±SD % pred FEV1 49.7±17.8%. Baseline COPD symptom frequency/severity are reported in Table; in the week prior to baseline, 56% patients had symptoms throughout the day. Breathlessness was most common (67% patients); its prevalence increased during the day (28% night, 43% morning, 62% day). Patients with symptoms in 3 parts of the day had the worst HRQoL (CAT score 19.3 vs 6.7–16.8 in patients with symptoms in ≤2 parts of the day). Patients with any symptoms at night had higher anxiety/depression levels vs those with only morning and/or day symptoms or no symptoms (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale score 13.8–16.0 vs 8.3–12.4) and worse sleep quality (COPD and Asthma Sleep Impact Scale scores 33.7–48.7 vs 27.7–32.2).

Conclusions: Over half of patients had symptoms during the whole 24 hours; these patients had the worst HRQoL. Patients with night symptoms had poorest sleep quality and increased anxiety/depression.

sumber : https://erj.ersjournals.com/content/42/Suppl_57/P4907?utm_source=TrendMD&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=European_Respiratory_Journal_TrendMD_0


RS Panti Waluya / RKZ Sawahan, Lt II-B1
, Dr Koentjahja, SpP
Nusakambangan 56, Malang 65117
08113777488 / 362017 ext. 88.23
Pukul 18.00 - 20.00, kec. Sabtu, Minggu / Libur

, Dr Koentjahja, SpP
Wilis Indah A-6, Malang 65115
0818568711 / 0341-568711
Senin - Sabtu Pukul 09.00-10.00,
kec. Minggu / Libur


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